Instagram Reels Play Bonus

     I have been in Instagram for quite a while but I have never made a creator's account. One day I was thinking to myself why am I not doing it, I have been posting videos and photos for free on my Facebook account on what I do with my garden why making something out of it. So August of last year (2022), I look on how to make a creators account and of course you can look for tutorial how to do it in YouTube. 

    Fast forward, my views are getting good in Instagram and I am getting some followers too then last December I've got an invitation that I can be a part of the Instagram Reels Play Bonus.

    I am very elated and so I right away set up my information. Yes I was very excited and scared that if I don't do it the invitation will be gone the next day. So even though it is in the middle of the night I set up my account.

    It say's what I need to do is just make 5 videos and for that video I will earn 10$ per post so it is 50$ all in all. The only problem is you really need to think what video is gonna be hit to your audience. You have to predict which will gonna be viral. 50 dollars is there but the payout is 100$ and I am not sure if I will hit it. 

So for now I am waiting wish me luck!!!!

To be continued.... 


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