Facebook Play Bonus

     I am writing this because I feel like I did something wrong. I knew it something is not right. 

    So whenever I make a reels in Instagram I just download the reels and put it on my Facebook page and YouTube account. When I upload it in Facebook and YouTube I've notice that it has a watermarked from Instagram. 


  Last night, I have been invited in Facebook Play bonus (different from Instagram Play bonus). As I was applying, well I change my mind so I cancel the application. When I stop it I have a notification that I wasn't approve because of violation - unoriginal content. I was like a little confused because my videos are my own yes I am using audio from Instagram but the videos are original. 

    So I suspected that it is because of the re-uploaded videos from Instagram that has a watermark. Now I learn my lesson so I will upload videos that has no watermark and probably will also make some original video blog.


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